Cleaning My Pruning Shears: Inspiration For This Website

Garden pruner sharpening and cleaningI sharpened and cleaned my pruning shears today. I’m embarrassed to admit that this is the first time I’ve ever completed this task.

Earlier this year, I was in a #gardenchat and the topic of pruning came up, including what people do wrong when they’re pruning and tool maintenance. I realized that I didn’t have a good answers for any of the questions that were asked. I always want to prune when it’s not the right time. Then I forget to do it when the time is right. I’m the “people” they’re talking about! I usually do a little research on how to make cuts, but still wonder if I’m doing it right. I’d never maintained a garden tool properly.

I thought there needed to be a place for people who don’t know the answers yet or are learning as they go along. And now I have this website.

So back to the pruners — I Googled how to maintain them and here’s how it went.

Garden pruner cleaning and sharpeningBrush with a steel brush. Looks a little better now. Still kinda…dirty? Rusty? That’s what happens when you don’t keep up with maintenance. Tsk tsk.

Run sharpener over blade. This sharpener is a Corona tool that I got on Amazon. As I’m running the tool over the blade, I notice a ton of nicks on the pruner blade. They aren’t completely worked out of the blade after the four to five swipes I take with the sharpener. Did I make them better or worse? I guess we’ll see when it’s time to prune something.

Oil the joints. Spray, spray, spray with WD-40. Before I cleaned them, these pruners did not spring back open after cutting something. I would have to pry them open after I made a cut. Now they’re like new.

And now my pruners are clean and ready for a workout. I must be a real gardener now. Stripes earned? At least one stripe?

Update: Pruned an unruly rubber plant. Like a warm knife through butter. Nice.

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